Middle Earth

Middle Earth is the stage on which J.R.R. Tolkien sets up his morality play that is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is a world vaguely reminiscent in shape and position of Europe. Middle Earth is so named because of its geographic position in the world between the ancient lands of Númenor and the unnamed lands to the east and south. It is also known in The Silmarillion as the Hither Lands.

Middle Earth is populated by Men, Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Ents, Wizards, and a variety of other races who have been enslaved by Sauron. The Free Peoples of Middle Earth, the Men, Hobbits, Dwarves, Elves, and Ents have all been created by either Illúvatar or one of his lieutenants, the Valar. They possess the commodity that, in Tolkien's universe, is the most highly prized: that of free will. Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, and other related races were created by the fallen Vala Morgoth in mockery of Illúvatar's works. They, along with many of the Low Men in Middle Earth are enslaved to Sauron's will, as he is the heir to Morgoth's influences. The Lord of the Rings TCG refers to them aptly as minions: beings who must obey every command of their master, and who possess no ability to make their own choices.

Middle Earth, by and large, comes across as a familiar place, with landscapes, plants, beasts, and characteristics much like what we are used to. Many fantasy authors choose to populate their stories within much more exotic domains, but the focus of Tolkien's work seems to remain primarily on the characters and their choices. This focus is supported well by placing characters in places that can be easily imagined, because, I believe, a greater rapport between the characters and the reader can be achieved than would otherwise be possible. This rapport then allows Tolkien's characters to deeply affect the reader because their choices are more easily understood, and the reader must think about what choice he or she would have made in their stead, and whether they would be willing to accept the consequences.

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